about myself

Hi there! I'm Francesco Bianca a Software Engineer and MSc Computer Science student at Sapienza University of Rome. I have a degree in computer science. My main field of interest is Machine Learning (in particular Deep Learning and Reinforcement Learning). After university I would like to work in this field.

Latest Works

These are some of my works mainly carried out as university projects.

  • All Categories
  • Machine Learning
  • Web Design
  • Others

SmartAula - Attendances System

Project realized for the Biometric Systems course (Sapienza University of Rome). Classroom attendance detection system using biometric systems. Facerecognition implemented in real time using SVM and openCV. Fingerprint made using arduino. Application developed through SpringBoot + ReactJS.

2048 - A Deep Q Learning Approach

Implementation of a standalone agent capable of playing 2048. During the project I gained experience with reinforcement learning techniques and with frameworks such as openAI-gym and keras-rl.

Covid-19 Data Analysis

An analysis of the data on covid-19 for personal use only. I focused on Italian data in particular. I also developed an ml model starting from logistic growth model.

Mining Topic Evolution

Tracking of scientific topics over a period of time [2000,2018] and identification of similar topics. Developed in Python using networkx to manage graphs.

Social Distance Detector

Project realized for the Computer Vision course (Sapienza University of Rome). Implementation of a social distancing detector using state-of-the-art computer vision algorithms.

Twitter Analytica

Project for the cloud computing course. Analysis of tweets streams through Apache Spark and visualization on interface realized in Streamlit using Amazon AWS service.

Sanitary System

Project realized for the Advanced Software Engineering course (Sapienza University of Rome). Implementation of a complex sanitary system using meta models (Web Ratio).

Sokoban IA

Implementation of an artificial intelligence for the Sokoban game using logical programming. A wrapper was used to map logical objects with java (DLV).